It was one year ago today, April 22, 2013, that I passed Inion the first 2 chapters of an idea I had typed out at 2 a.m. in the morning the night before! Rough at best it was a first person narrative of an arrogant, 17 year old boy named Kevin Yager. In those 2 chapters 5 teenage boys we’re introduced: Kevin, Sam, Ivers, Roth & Lane; a nightclub THE PERFECT 7 and Juniper Falls, Alaska.

Kevin Yager

Kevin Yager





Lane (Jerk Off)

Lane (Jerk Off)



Inion came back with a delicious villain Viktor Vikirrus and his right hand Nargoyle, Sergei and Isle Exodus.



Now parented, The Perfect 7 was born!

But we didn’t stop there! Along with that novel, we also managed to finish another YA/book & a short story collection; we read & reviewed more than 70 books, for fellow authors & friends; we conducted more than two dozen interviews of fellow Authors, photographers, Poets, Painters & musicians in an effort to bring light to art & give back to fellow artists. We attended more than 35 of our own book signings/readings & Poetry shows, we’ve spoken at 4 schools, been hosted on more than 12 blogs, websites & book clubs in America & 3 other countries.

We made the top finals in a major Poetry competition with one of our pieces, “Stella Dore’s Park” And we’ve recently decided to mentor a brilliant 14 year old protégé’ and aspiring author, which we introduced to you, Rachel Harrell.

We cried


yelled, typed & done our very best to give you a candid look inside our hearts, minds & souls!

And we’ve been blessed to have met & friended so many wonderful people who have supported our career and embraced our twisted minds, while allowing us to savor the excellence of their work as well!

Inion (GingerBrooke), Mathair (Natalie) & our Business Manager/Nana/Ginger have pushed harder than we thought was possible!

But it has been an amazing year and spectacular journey & it’s only just begun! Believe me when I say, that at times we are feeling the pressure of a to-do list far to long & a bit scary!!!

To say that we’re going to be busy…is putting it mildly!

We are currently hard at work once again, to release Book #2 in THE PERFECT 7 series “THE CRAZY 8” & a poetry collection: No Rhyme or Reason!

Collaborating with an incredibly talented team of fellow artists who work just as hard to help turn our dreams into reality! Including a brilliant mentor and the backing of two local people who support the arts. Also, we have recently added two new members to our team, a new videographer Bobby Zanfardino, out of New York who will be creating the book trailers for our books as well as the music for them.

And a brilliant new book cover artist out of North Carolina: Nick DeMarsico

Nick DeMarsico

Nick DeMarsico

We also have accepted a co-host position with Author TyLeishia Douglass for a new talk show every Thurs evening at 6pm!

And for our town of Franklin, North Carolina, we are currently organizing a local event, THE SUMMER FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS.

So many new and wonderful things to look forward too! And we are grateful for each and every opportunity! We will make sure to keep you all informed of our progress and ask that you be patient with us as we are juggling a lot. Once again, thank you for your love & endless support!